The Great ones about Charents

He is our greatest poet, his influence on our literature and our youth is great.

Today, especially, at least for now, Yeghishe Charents is the only real poet in the Caucasian-Armenian reality...

One of the young poets of Armenia suddenly said something wonderful: 'I love the sunsavouring word of my sweet Armenia...'. The wisdom, depth and capacity of the ages are summed up in that word. Arevaham (sunsavouring)... Tell me, please, is there a word that is the exact translation of that word in the languages of other nations? No. The word “Arevaham” has no meaning in other languages, but it does in Armenian. The sun is different in our culture. Our words are sunny in the mouths of our people, the sun also has a smell. When an Armenian lady lays out clothes to dry, she says that they smell like the sun.

Geniuses, as a rule, do not have an inspired face. I have met him quite a few times and argued each time. We did not agree on almost anything, we evaluated the same phenomena of Armenian art differently and understood the historical type of the Armenian people in different ways. At the age of eighty years of my life, if it was possible to return a few tens of years from my life, I would like to have a word with Charents again and say that the truth was Charents. To tell him a lot that I didn't get to say at the time...

Charents considers the "inner iron control", the factor of "spiritual strength" to be the most surprising among great geniuses, "so that not the material dominates the author, but the author dominates the material - but in such a way - that not a single important branch, not even a branch, not even a twig is lost." ". This phenomenon occurs at the moment of intense tension and supreme ecstasy, when the poet celebrates the artistic miracle. "Of my sweet Armenia..." is the birth of extraordinary concentration, internal iron control, in the completion of which the spiritual aspect played an exceptional role.

"This book of the journey, the struggle, the path—‘The Book of the Road’—this flood of the light of knowledge on our wordless pastures, this creative gaze that brings us from the masses to having a face and a name, which sees itself in each of us and each of us in itself, this sharp and wicked cry that drives us out of the camps of silent submission, this faithful and sorrowful howl of the shepherd dog in the face of the heavy bondage of our human homeland, this dedicated effort to extract our image from the stone of violence, to separate from the animal, to shake off the stone, became our strength of liberation and also exposed our own indomitable enmity towards the power of our liberation. The book was thrown into the fire."